Programs & Policies

Here you'll find documents related to Dairy Farmers of Ontario’s farm policies, programs and procedures. Please contact us if you are unable to find what you are looking for or require the document in a different format. 

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Organic Farmers Incentive Days The Ontario Board is announcing the following incentive days to be issued on a non-cumulative basis to all organic producers for 2022:
09 Dec 2021
EN FRANÇAIS : Politiques : Quota et transport du lait

Informations sur les politiques d'acquisition, de vente ou de transfert de quotas et les politiques d'échange. Comprend les politiques de transport du lait, les cours et les voies agricoles, les rénovations et plus encore.

06 Oct 2021
Quota and Milk Transportation Policies

Information on policies for acquiring, selling or transferring quota, and exchange policies. Includes milk transportation policies, farm yards and lanes, renovations and more.

01 Oct 2021
Dairy Farmers of Ontario’s Grass-Fed Milk Standard

This protocol focuses primarily on feed and farming requirements. A secondary focus is to authenticate grass fed milk based on specific biomarkers that are metabolized by cows under a grass-fed diet. Current as of August 5, 2021.

22 Sep 2021
New Entrant Quota Assistance Program

Dairy Farmers of Ontario’s (DFO) New Entrant Quota Assistance Program is designed to assist those with an interest in dairy farming who may not otherwise have the financial means or opportunity to get started in the industry. The P5 makes available 160 kilograms of quota per year for the program in Ontario. Subject to DFO issuing a licence to produce and market milk and approving an order to issue quota, DFO will match 20 kilograms of quota to each successful applicant. DFO has given priority access to 2 new entrants who plan on shipping organic milk. As a result, there are only 6 positions available. Click here for the application. The deadline to submit the 2022 application is October 31, 2021. If you have further questions, please contact the Field Services Representative in your area of the province.”

06 Jul 2021
01 Jun 2021
EN FRANÇAIS : Politiques du programme sur la qualité du lait cru

Informations sur les exigences, les tests et les programmes du programme de qualité du lait cru.

01 Jun 2021
Raw Milk Quality Program Policies

Information on requirements, testing, and programs for the Raw Milk Quality Program.

30 Apr 2021
DFO Credit Program Policy (Schedule A)

Read about the program's background, what it entails, DFO's role and the credit criteria.

04 Aug 2020

Displaying 1-9 of 9 documents